Thursday, January 28, 2010

Mindless Munchies

M&M's they get to me. I don't remember the first time I ever tried an m&m, but I do remember hearing about how they "melt in your mouth and not in your hands" at a fairly young age. However, I don't think I appreciated m&m's until I was older, much older. Infact, just today I realized as I walked through the store, I was stopped in my tracks by the valentine display of candy, and I looked for the red, pink and white m&m's that come out at this time of the year. I do believe that the RED m&m's taste the very best, my personal preference. Each holiday m&m's comes out with wonderfully colored m&m's just for that holiday that I just have to have for my candy dish. I love red, so I caved and bought one bag for my candy dish. I could not find the peanut m&m's in the red, pink and white, so I had to settle for the plain chocolate m&m's. I also bought a bag of regular colored peanut m&m's. Just because. I did it mindlessly.

That's what I figured out today, I bought them mindlessly and I eat them mindlessly. M&M's stand for Mindless Munchies. It's hard to mindlessly eat a Snickers bar, I mean I like them just as much as I like M&M's, but I have to think about buying them..they don't really go in to a candy dish, unless it's the small bite sized Snickers, which I would just rather not bother with. A full size Snicker's bar takes some thought. I have to purchase it just for myself, because no one else in my household really cares for them, then I have to take the time to peel back the wrapper and take time to chew each bite of carmel, peanuty goodness. So every now and then I allow myself that pleasure. M&M's,on the other hand, are bought for the candy dish. My hand, as well as others, dip in to it. So I'm doing something selfless for my family and friends who might come by and want to dip their hand in to the candy dish.

Prepare for ranting...The problem is that I am here all day long dipping mindlessly in to the candy dish or if there is not room in the candy dish, a plastic container...WHO CARES, I just dip in and then I pop them in my mouth,and my mind is numb to what I'm doing until all of a sudden my stomach YELLS OUT, "NO MORE YOU LUNATIC, I'M GOING TO BE SICK!!!"

I'm a little calmer now...At Weight Watchers last night we talked a bit about changing behaviors that cause us to be unsuccessful in our goals to lose weight. It all makes so much sense to me. It's just putting all that great information in to daily practice that I seem to be struggling with. So today I am owning up to the fact that I eat some foods mindlessly, without any thought. Just because. I LIKE IT, or I'M NOT DOING ANYTHING ELSE, or whatever other 100 reasons I might have for just tossing an m&m in to my mouth. What am I going to do to change that. I'm not sure yet. I don't think I'm ready to say I won't ever buy m&m's again. I suppose I just took the first step by taking time to STOP, PAY ATTENTION, WRITE IT DOWN and take a time out from mindlessly popping them in to my is hard to pop and type at the same time.

Tell me, how do you set a goal and tackle it, I mean a real life changing goal? How do I make myself stick to what I want to do, but have never been able to least not for any extended length of time. I've got to figure this one out because I can't keep doing what I've been doing for 45's not working.

The next thing I just need to throw in to this post is that the other day Camilla dressed in red and wore her red sequined shoes that I got her for her halloween costume. She was a bit unsure of wearing them to school, but I convinced her that they looked cute and it's okay to wear those kind of shoes when you are 8 years old. So I took her picture and she liked how it looked too. I just have to post it.


bevy68 said...

M&M's I'm on my know someone once told me that the key is to put one at a time in your mouth and then let it melt in your mouth and enjoy it. It works if I remember to do it, because we all know that I am the M&M Queen.... Love ya!

Linde said...

There is also the idea of buying a small package. They don't come in the cute colors, but it does keep you from eating a pound of them. I know what you mean. I bought Oreos yesterday and 1/2 the bag is gone today. I should not have even bought them! But days at home are long and sometimes really boring (if you ask me) and so food is my "reward" that is a double edged sword!