Friday, January 30, 2009

Mr. Dinosaur

Neal with Mr. Dinosaur getting an albuterol treatment. Most of the time he sits pretty still for it, but every now and then he puts up a fight and squirms, kicks..etc. I show him the dinosaur and we sing...Mr. Dinosaur, Mr. Dinosaur helps me to feel better, Mr. Dinosaur. Camilla told me today that she would not allow me to go to Hollywood on American Idol...she said my singing "is not that good." Oh well, I never professed to be a good singer, I just do it. Same with the dancing....I just DO IT! Yes, we are all involved in American Idol's recorded by the wonderful DVR.

Oh and don't worry, I am not yellow, it's just the lighting :o)

Monday, January 26, 2009

Camilla's Play time

I watched Camilla play the other night for about an hour and I sure enjoyed myself. She was playing house. She was the mom of three girls and one baby. Cinderella, Belle and Ariel. She got them up, fed them and sent them off to school. Then she fed her baby and went and picked all of them up, fed them "Tuffy Fried Chicken" and read to them and tucked them back in bed....hmmm, kind of sounds like someone I'm close to. I sure enjoyed watching her. She does a great job of keeping herself entertained most of the time!

Camilla tucking her children in to bed!
Camilla feeding her children "Tuffy friend chicken"

Saturday, January 24, 2009

A few pics.

Grandma and Grandpa Kern came to visit, these are just a few pictures of them having fun with Neal. The other picture is one of the pictures we took trying get a good shot for our Christmas cards.
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Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Yesterday morning I had HERNIA surgery. I've been suffering with it for several months, and finally had an ultrasound, which determined I did indeed have a hernia on the right side. The surgeon thought it was an inguinal hernia, but when they went in to operate they found out it was an incisional hernia, from the c-sections. So the surgeon did the three poke holes in my belly button area and then had to do an incision as well. I was to check in at 6:15 am, I had to wait several hours yesterday morning because of a mix up in scheduling, I'm not exactly sure what time the surgery took place, and it hurt to put the IV in, that's never easy for me, it ended up in my wrist. The last thing I remember is being wheeled in to surgery and seeing different lights and people, then I must have fallen in to the deep anesthesia sleep. When I woke up, a nurse was talking to me asking how I felt and I saw my surgeon and I HURT. So they quickly gave me morphine, which helped a little bit, then I was wheeled in to a recovery area and given more pain pills and kept sleeping. The bleeding to awhile to stop in my belly button. So Eric brought me home around 4:30 pm and I ate some yogurt, took a pain pill and went to bed. I've been sleeping and taking pills and typing a bit each time I wake up. I'm hoping to feel better in a few days, but I can't lift anything until the doctor sees me on the 27th...then I'll find out what I can do.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Uncle Deon

I'm thinking about my Uncle Deon tonight before I go to bed. He passed away Saturday night. I have many memories of my Uncle Deon and I remember him being there with me or for me through most all of the events that were important in my childhood and young adult days. My Aunt Marie and Uncle Deon have always been such a loving example of a happy marriage and I can't remember there ever being a time that they raised their voice at me or spoke anything but love and encouraging words to me. If they ever were cross with me, I sure do not remember it. I can remember going to their home in North Las Vegas from the time I have any recollection at all. My cousins were my first playmates that I can recall. I admired all of them and still do to this day. I worked for Uncle Deon's son, Cal, for at least the last five years before I was able to be at home, then Eric and I purchased their daughter, Marlene's, home and preschool right before we had Spencer and lived there for 4 years. I was able to work with their son, Lorin, during the time I was at Cal Air as well and even Ron, their oldest son, worked there for awhile. I have visited with Kent in California as a single person and after Eric and I got married and remember great times with him, and Lois and I played together and did things together when we could. So I've had many interactions with my cousins and feel that they've influenced my life as much as my own brothers and sisters and have given me opportunities that I wouldn't have had without them. I love my aunt and uncle and don't have the words to express my gratitude for all they have done for me. I will miss my uncle's calls on my birthday, which only really comes along every four years. I'll miss his hugs and kisses, his spirituality, his laugh, his emotions, his wisdom and most of all his quick and easy expressions of love to me. I pray for my Aunt Marie that she will be comforted. I pray for their entire family that they too will be comforted at this time of loss and separation. How grateful we all are to have the belief of eternal life and families. The last time I saw my uncle was this fall. I had been bottling peaches with my dad and he told me that Aunt Marie and Uncle Deon were coming for a reunion. They called right about the time I was getting ready to leave, I chose to stay around and see them and I am sure glad I did. I was able to receive hugs and kisses and see them hold Neal, I watched as uncle Deon teared up and that made tears come to my eyes too. He called him a miracle. I want to share an email my Aunt and Uncle sent to me during the time Neal was in the hospital.

March 4, 2008
Inez: Thank you so very much sending the lovely picture of your wonderful son. That is so very spcial. Your Father has been keeping us up to date concerning you and the baby. We have had your name on the temple roll. We also hope you were able to enjoy your birthday. It is so spcial (expecially when that special day only rolls around every fourth year. You have progressed more rapidly than those dates however. We love you and your family very very much. Marie & Deon


I did get your phone message, I really appreciate that you remember my birthday, it makes me feel good. I held Neal today, he now weighs 3 lbs exactly; I am so amazed by all the miracles that have taken place in a month's time. It was a scarey experience for awhile, but I could feel the peace of the Spirit and I am so thankful for all the prayers. I told Eric that I feel blessed to have our names in so many of the temples, it gives us such a sense of hope and peacefulness.

I'll let you know more as I can. I love you both very much!

There were many more times that words of encouragement came. We were strengthened so much by knowing our names were in many temples. I remember Uncle Deon riding with me in the car as I went to the Las Vegas Temple for the first time. Like I said before, he's been with me or there for me through many of my life's defining moments and I already miss him. I won't be able to go to his funeral because I'm having surgery tomorrow morning. But I just couldn't rest until I wrote something about him and allowed myself to have some time to remember him. He always gave me a smile, a hug and a kiss and told me he loved me. That is how I will always remember him and I hope he knows I love him too!

Love, Inez

Friday, January 9, 2009

Sometimes ya gotta wear a hat

Neal: "What's with the HAT?! Why do you put this on me and cover up my pretty blonde hair, you know I don't care for it?"
Mom: "You Won't have to wear it for long. It's cold outside and we are just making a quick trip to drop off a paper to Spencer." Neal: "Oh, I LOVE TO SEE SPENCER!"

Mom: "Okay, all done, now we can take that hat off." Neal: "Much get me out of this seat!"

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Trying to catch up...

I finally got the Christmas cards in the mail today. Some I wrote before Christmas, some after New Year's. I took them with me as I waited for Neal's well check and put stamps on and sealed the envelopes then headed to the post office. Felt good to get that stack gone, I probably forgot a few people, but there's always next Christmas.

Neal is doing well. His doctor's office scale weighed him at 17 lb 14 oz and length 27 inches, which seems much more correct to me, I am the one lifting him all the time. He's wearing the 9 month clothes now as well and size 3 diapers.

Neal's napping so I'm going to head that way myself. There are lots of things I could be doing, but I just feel too tired to do any of them, hopefully a little nap will help me get back to trying to catch up on WORK!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Snow Much Fun!

A few shots of the kids having fun sledding! Help! I'm going backwards.....aaaahhhhh!

Oops, it's hard to stay up on two feet in all this snow!

It's tough packing down the can do it Camilla!

Woo Wee, Spencer having a great time sledding!

Happy New Year!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

11 months old!

Neal is 11 months old as of yesterday!
16 lbs, 14 oz. and 27 inches long (TALL)
Says: Dada, Mama, Gaga, Ahhh, squeals, laughs, cries (not often) and yells at times.
Neal loves to smile and has 8 teeth to flash.
He's just learned to patty cake.
shakes his head no while saying AHHH, AHHH and we all laugh!
can turn from back to tummy, but doesn't stay there very long, prefers back.
Can sit on his own, we stay close though cause he likes to flail backwards.
WE LOVE YOU NEAL...One more month till the big First Birthday!!!! Wow, what a year it's been.

P.S., that is Camilla's hair behind him, no he does not have a double head!