Monday, June 7, 2010

Grandpa's Garden..continued

Spencer was the last to have the tiller in my first post...he passed the tiller on to his dad, my sweetie pie, Eric.

Eric really put some muscle in to his portion of the tilling relay.

Looking good honey.  I think in Eric's next life he wants to come back as a FARMER!  Hee, hee, hee, hee. Haw, haw, haw!!!  HEE HAW...

The next to grab the tiller was William, he almost looks like he's riding the tiller instead of pushing it, but I know he was working hard.
Peter was a little more serious minded about his turn with the tiller.  I believe he only had to push with one arm...look at the strength of that BOY and he's not even 14 yet.
I would have to say that the award for the person who had the most FUN tilling was definitely Jeffrey!  I could have sworn I heard him singing..."I feel the earth move under my skin...."
It appeared that Taylor would be the last tiller to take the field and he had total concentration..trying to get that last row done just right and win the adoration of the coach! 
But to our surprise, Jared pulled up the rear after the coach.."Grandpa" said, "You can NEVER till too much"  So Jared finshed up the tilling portion of planting grandpa's garden.

It was a joy to watch!!!
More garden posts to come...

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

I bet your grandpa was excited to have all that help. And it looks like everyone enjoyed themselves. Can you imagine if it would have been the old kind of plow attached to the end of a donkey - now that would be tough!