Tuesday, December 8, 2009

December 8th

We woke up to more SNOW!
Just wondering if anyone would like to join me for some wintertime swinging?
Eric took this picture after his morning of shovelling. He hurt his back this morning. Spencer is going to have to relieve his dad in the snow shovelling dept, at least half way through. I went out 40 minutes ago and just came back in the house from shovelling again. Yes, shoulders are sore. I hope I am building at least a little bit of muscle. I do not want to clean my house now ...nope don't want to do it, just want to SIT. Maybe Linde could send over a house cleaning angel like the one she posted on my email; that would be oh so NICE!!


Linde said...

Yes, that angel would be nice huh! Don't know if the husbands would approve. ;)

Wow! You got a ton more snow than we have. Great picture of the swings.

For snow like that we purchased a refirbished (sp) snow blower last year for half the price of a new one. With one heavy snow fall Jason said it paid for itself. If you want the name of the place let me know. :) Saves the back.

Sanders said...

That's crazy! Brrrrrrr! I love and miss you guys, stay warm!