Wednesday, December 2, 2009

December 2nd

It's a bit cloudy here in Payson this morning and chilly. There is snow on the mountains but no snow to shovel yet, which is nice. After I got everyone off to school, I dressed Neal in his red Mickey Mouse coat that Lisa gave him along with his Mickey hat...I will post a picture soon....and we headed out for a little frosty morning walk. Neal beep bopped along at quick toddler speed and didn't want to hold my hand. I made him as we crossed the street. He headed to the park, found a light colored labrador and went right up to him, hugged him, almost kissed him and followed him to the underground tunnel that leads to the next park in our area...I stayed at a close two steps behind, just amazed at how fast he has gotten. He took a little fall as we were heading down the steep incline toward the tunnel, he whined a bit about his hand and then got right back to the task of following that "Goggie", we crossed the river and somehow lost site of the dog (which was okay by me), I turned Neal around and headed back to our park, he headed for the slides and managed to climb up the stairs, head down the slide head first. Luckly I was close by to hold on to him. There was frost on the slide so he was irritated that his hands got cold, I forgot his gloves, and he tried hard to climb back up the slide, but his hands got colder. So finally I picked him up and told him it was time to go home, as I was walking toward the sidewalk I didn't lift my foot up high enough and stumbled to the ground with Neal in my hands. Luckly he didn't get hurt and I just bruised my knee and my ego.

On the 2nd day of December I am thankful that I didn't break anything when I fell and I am so happy to see Neal enjoy being outside even when it's cold! I'm thankful that Lisa gave him a red Mickey Mouse coat, HE LOVES IT!


Scooter said...

Pretty wall decor. Did you come up with that? I can still remember some of the decor in your old Moon apartment. Do you? I can remember your bedroom and those lovely cement block walls you had. What a winner! Who da thunk you would wind up in your very lovely home with such pretty architectural features!?!

Linde said...

You're good. I haven't taken Jacob to the park for a few weeks since it has gotten colder.

Fun to see your Thanksgiving post with all of your family. Amazing how everyone grows up and the family gets so big. You can see how the families (in a few years) will get big enough and start to have kids of their own. Amazing!!

As the World "Kerns" said...

LOL! Scooter.. I remember having a Rick Springfield poster on my wall; that's about it. I also remember turquoise couch and chair! What do you remember? Ha, ha.

Linde, We will need a much bigger place to hold Thanksgiving when these kids start bringing home spouses! Of course the day will probably come when we don't all get together like this..that is sad! How was your Thanksgiving?