Thursday, July 23, 2009


I noticed the other day that my Rick Springfield t-shirt is fading and the signature is almost non-existent. The last time I saw him was 4 years ago a little over a month before moving here to Utah..I checked to see the exact date on my beloved poster which hangs in my kitchen
I think this is the longest I have gone without going to a Rick Springfield concert since 1999. I first saw him in 1984 with Lisa and Birthe..then from 1999 to 2005 I saw him a total of 10 times. So, I am really in need of a Rick fix. I'm in WANT of a Rick Concert and a NEW T-SHIRT!!! I'm just trying to figure out how to put it in to our budget.....hmmm
The closest place he'll be to me this year is Wendover, NV. Stay tuned to see how I handle my addiction........................


Stephanie said...

Ha! I remember well the day we all went to see Rick here in AZ! That was a "first" for me! You are SO fun to be with at a concert - Loved it! I will keep my fingers crossed that you'll find a way to fulfill your dream of seeing him and obtaining another T-shirt!

As the World "Kerns" said...

Thanks Steph..wish you could go with me...who knows maybe I'll get to a concert in AZ again. Glad you enjoyed WICKED..I want to see it one of these days as well.