Monday, March 30, 2009


Spencer completed a Power Point presentation last week about himself. This picture is one of the pictures he used to illustrate that he loves to play basketball. You may notice he is in the garage..well, it was snowing and dark, so his dad had to take the picture in the garage!
One of Spencer's new hobbies is playing games on his Wii.

This is his dog, Coal, hiding under the trampoline. They were playing chase and Coal seems to think that if he gets under the trampoline, he's safe.

This photo was taken last week also. Spencer had a project to chose a disability and plan activities, perform them and then write about the experience of having this disability. He was to spend an hour. So Spencer chose blindness. He spent some time outside and some of the time eating and getting dresses, etc. Eric went on the walk with him and took these pictures. He has on a headband I use to keep my ears warm when walking outside in the COLD, and a pair of sunglasses! He's using a broom handle to help him navigate.

Here's Spencer, the blind man, walking in our neighborhood...heading to the park.

Another view of the walk and using his stick! Spencer said it was harder than he thought it was going to be. He planned to make it much farther than he actually did. It was a good learning experience and he had fun doing it as well. I like those kind of homework projects and I especially enjoy it when Dad is the one helping out!


Linde said...

Sounds like a good experience for Spencer to "see" the world through a different perspective! Fun pictures.

Stephanie said...

What a cool project for the teacher to have the kids do! Love it. I actually think it would be a great idea if adults did this too. It really would give them more empathy towards those with disabilities. I have a presentation that I've given to our staff to help them understand how various learning disabilities affect how students feel and learn in their classrooms. Every time I present it, I think I reach a few more teachers that become more understanding of their students with learning disabilities. Wish I could read Spencer's report... hint, hint... Loved the photo's!

As the World "Kerns" said...

If I can remember I'll try to get a copy of his report. It was hand written, so I'll have to ask him if he has it back yet. I know as a parent of children with learning disabilities it's a constant work in progress with the teacher's. We are very blessed that Eric knows how to address most of our concerns, I wouldn't know what to do at times without him. I feel for the parents of children with disabilities that don't have someone to help them understand. It's hard to get doctors, parents, teachers..etc. all on the same page. I'm glad you're doing so much good work, Steph! I know Linde understands as well, being in education for so many years. I love the teachers, it's just hard to individualize for special needs kids..ugh.

Sanders said...

Looks like Spencer had fun doing this assignment, it's good to be reminded how blessed we are to be healthy and whole and to be able to walk in someone elses shoes for awhile.

Stephanie said...

Hey Inez: I completely agree with you. Recently I was able to help my friend and neighbor by acting as an advocate for their daughter. The school was going to completely drop her from speech/language services (she only had a speech IEP) and the academic evaluation they originally gave her was incomplete. They didn't give her tests that could assess her level in reading and writing. Hello!?! Are you kidding me!?! It was fun to watch the psychologist's eyes register that I knew what I was talking about. So glad I was there. How many other parents have been "mowed over" because they don't know their rights. The school ended up accepting a private speech eval. we handed them and gave more comprehensive tests so when we reconvened 1-1/2 week later, she got speech & language as well as resource services in reading and social/behavioral areas. A happy ending...

As the World "Kerns" said...

I'm glad you were there to help your friend, Steph. I'm sure she really appreciates it. I know I appreciate it when Eric is with me at the IEP's. Thanks for sharing.