Thursday, March 5, 2009

Happy day

On Tuesday, Neal and I were invited to go to lunch with my friend, Dawn, we had so much fun geting out and seeing people! Thanks Dawn!

Dawn and I commented later about how we really didn't talk much, which is highly unusual for the two of us when we get together. But the happiest part is that we are close enough that we are comfortable being together even on those days when "Talk" isn't coming. I sure did enjoy the taco salad though and Neal had a fun time eating graham crackers, sampling guacamole and banging on the table! As you can see, I even put on a bit of makeup for the occasion.


Linde said...

There is nothing like being able to get out of the house and feel like you do more than just live, work, eat and sleep in one place. :) Yeah for eating out! How did the pioneer women do it? NOt only did they live, work, eat and sleep in one house, they did all of that in one room at times!!!

Stephanie said...

You look fabulous darling!