Wednesday, October 29, 2008


"Therefore look gently on men, And even more gently on women. Although they may go a little wrong, Do not condemn them.Above all consider not merely what they have done, But why. God alone has the power to look into a human heart, To judge actions and motives and regrets. He alone knows not only what one has done and why,But what one has resisted doing and why– Man's responsibility is to forgive:Only God has the authority to judge."-Robert Burns

A quote I was given several years ago and think about almost daily. Just thought I'd share with you incase you haven't been sent this by me.

Today Neal woke up at 5:30 am, he's been under the weather the last few days. Vomitting and diarhea, sorry, but that's what it's been like. He's seen the doctor and we have him on pedialyte. We were still able to stroll along side Camilla so she could walk to school listening to Mylie Cyrus and singing along as she wore my headphones. It is fun to listen to her and watch the sheer joy on her face. Then I continued on with Neal for a walk. The insulation is being installed today, actually I think they are finished with the walls, now the blown insulation for the ceiling needs to be completed. We received a call from our contractor yesterday to tell us that we can go look at tile, carpet and flooring for the kitchen area, that isn't a kitchen yet. He gave us some ideas of places he likes to use. So we will do that soon. It's exciting.

Well, time to close, the kids have early day out so I need to get a load of laundry folded while Neal is asleep in the swing.


Sanders said...

Thanks for the quote! Hope Neal feels better soon, for him & for you!

Linde said...

SO sorry Neal has been sick. THat is so hard to see them go through that!! Hard on you too.