Thursday, October 9, 2008


One morning I had to hurry and get ready for something and Neal was so hungry, he can't hold the bottle yet, but we figured out a way! I just thought it was so cute to see him all squished in the pillows!
My pansies...they remind me of my grandma Sanders, she used to always sing little purple pansies with me and when I was the music leader in primary back in Las Vegas, I would tell that story to the kids and ask them to sing that song real loud so grandma could hear it! She died back in 2000 I think, if my memory serves me right. I love looking at the faces on pansies, they are all just a little different. Little purple pansies touched with yellow gold, growing in one corner of the garden old, they are very tiny but must try, try, try just one spot to gladden you and I. Yes, they do gladden my heart.

One more close up of Neal...he had the second part of his flu shot today; he's weighing 15.49 lbs...I am about ready to put him in 6-9 month clothing, infact I have a 9 month sleeper on him right now and he's filling it out! Way to go my little love.
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1 comment:

Linde said...

What a DARLING picture of Neal "holding" his bottle! :) Jacob doesn't hold his either. He is catching up to Jacob in weight. He weighted 16.11 lbs. a week and a half ago. He is also filling out his 9 mo. sleepers.

Sooooo cute!!