Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Congrats to Robert
Spencer had his first experience on a deer hunt this last Saturday. He went with Uncle's Robert, Chad and Michael, Grandpa Sanders, my cousin Lorin Sanders and Spencer's cousins Taylor, William, Jeffrey, Peter and Joseph. He said he did "ALOT OF HIKING". This picture is one Robert sent me of his deer in the back of his truck with the kids minus a few. Congrats to Robert and Spencer says he now wants to take the hunter's safety course and get a license so he can shoot like Joseph did. So we'll see what happens, I suppose he does have some Sanders blood in him! My dad has been hunting my whole life and most of his; I told Spencer that he did something with his grandpa Sanders that I did with my grandpa Sanders and my dad. So on it goes and who knows maybe one day we will have a deer in the back of.....umm, Robert's truck....ha, ha. See, not sure I can see us with a truck, but I could be wrong, stranger things have happened, I mean we did move to UTAH!!!! I'm glad all the boys had a good time from what I hear and I'm glad that my dad can still out hike them all....I hear it was grandpa's idea to go on a third drive...yes, drive, a long arduous walk through the brush and on the side of a mountain to push the deer out and up to the hunters with the guns....See, I have been hunting. Robert got his last deer when he was 18 years it's been a long time coming. Enjoy the deer meet Carol, Charity, Daniel, Miranda and Chance!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Lois said...

I remember those deer hunting days...

Linde said...

Well, that brings back memories! I remember trying to walk along the side of the mountain (our freshman year in college) to "shoo" Bambi out from cover.

Cold as I remember it....glad I went, but glad I don't have to go every year. :)

The Ferrins said...

I've never been hunting but I have killed a deer......Dang thing ran into me at 60mph on my motorcycle.

Looks like great memories are being made.