Tuesday, August 17, 2010

One week left

Only one week left of summer vacation. School will be back in session.  I will have to drag my lazy body out of bed at 5 am to exercise so I can be showered and ready to wake my children for breakfast, so they can have their most important meal of the day.  Lunches will need to be packed and backpacks filled with their work that needs to be turned in on TIME.  Homework will be a daily task for ALL of us.  Not to mention scriptures read, article or two from the Friend and Era.  The saxophone will make it's melodious noise again in our basement. Singing lessons on Mondays.  There will be a bedtime once more.  Looking forward to the weekend will begin on Tuesdays and I will be left to teach, entertain and play with Neal (Which isn't bad, I'm not complaining, just preparing myself) No more long leisurely mornings. No more waiting to shower till noon.  No more spending hours on the computer just catching up on facebook, blogs and talking to my friends. (I'm sure I'll find some time for that).  I'm going to miss my Spencer and Camilla coming to find me during the day just to tell me something, or asking me to watch a movie or TV show with them.  I'll miss seeing Eric during the day, once in awhile.  I usually look forward to school starting, I like routine for the most part, but for some reason this year I am kicking and making a fuss about ending the summer and starting back to school.   
This summer has been simply fun and relaxing!  We will all miss it.
We still have one more week of parties, boating, swimming, sleeping in and staying up late.  No boo hooing around here!
This is what happened when I mixed up a batch of Nestle's toll house oatmeal/chocolate chip cookies and forgot to add a WHOLE cup of flour.  Yes, me, the infamous cookie baker.  I added 3/4 of a cup of flour.  I must have been using my bad eye, because I saw it as 3/4 of a cup instead of 1 3/4 cup of flour.  The dough was so absoposilutely (Tigger) delicious and sweet; I still didn't even think I'd done anything wrong when I spooned it on to the cookie sheet..but when I pulled them out of the oven and saw this..well, there was no denying that I had made a MISTAKE!  I put the rest of the dough in the refrigerator and my family enjoyed munching the cookie dough.


Linde said...

I'm with you on this. Even though I don't have to do all those things, yet, and my life really won't change....it does change when everyone gets back in school. :)

JoEtta Hales said...

Wow, this sounds so familiar!! I enjoy the sleeping in a little more in the summer, but always ready for a little routine in the fall. Plus, I love fall weather and colors.

Stephanie said...

LOL! They actually look pretty darn good - gooey, but good non-the-less! Come on, tell me they were good anyway, LOL!

As the World "Kerns" said...

The cookies still tasted okay..the dough was really GOOD!