Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Funnest Party Ever!

The party began August 27, 1994 at the Las Vegas, LDS Temple.
Eric and I were married, sealed for time and all eternity.
Eric joined my family.
I joined his family.
Because it was August, we left Las Vegas and headed to Mt. Charleston.  
Here we are standing right outside the home I grew up in.  
This is where our reception was held. 
There was a ring ceremony.
Ray Farrer officiated at it.
Jim Taylor sang three songs.
Here we are with just a few of our closest family and friends. 
Exchanging wedding rings in front of the lilac bush that grew in the corner of our front yard.
Yes, you do see a school bus parked behind me.  It is the school bus my mother drove for many years.  My dad did video the event.
We had a delicious barbeque. I learned from attending many receptions, Eric and I would be at the front of the food line or else we would not eat.  I did not wait 30 years to get married just to starve on my own wedding day.  So here I am ready to eat.
We did not have the traditional wedding line.  We mingled among our guests.  It was a very informal occasion.  We wore our wedding attire because you really only get to wear it once!     

The sun went down and the dancing began.
Here is Eric with his mom, Linda. 
Here is Eric dancing with his mom, Dorothy.
Me and my dad.
Eric and I sharing a dance.
There was a lot of dancing that night. 
Line dancing, Electric Slide dancing and even Chicken dancing. 
Eric managed to take the garter off..yes, with his teeth.
We just attended a reception and watched the same kind of performance, it brought back these fun memories.
We did share some wedding cake.
Yep!  We shoved it into each other's faces!  And might I say, it was SO MUCH FUN!!!!
Our song; that we were suppose to dance to right before leaving, was "I'm the Lucky One" by Amy Grant.
We were interrupted several times by a sweet family that Eric home taught.  All of the children had some very special needs and they LOVED Eric; so much that I was beginning to think I'd have to grab some other guy to dance with.  We managed to end the song dancing together and soon made our way to a honeymoon suite to begin our time together, in the "Time and all Eternity" as Mr. and Mrs. Eric Kern. 
16 years later, I still think that's the best party I've ever attended and I know I certainly am the LUCKY ONE!

I love you Eric.
Happy Anniversary!

Oh my goodness is that Linde and Lisa standing next to the sexiest car you've ever seen??? 
You two are so BUSTED!!!!!


Stephanie said...

I loved looking at all these photo's of you and Eric. You're SO young! And you had puff sleeves too! What a fun couple you were and continue to be... tell me you'll never change.

As the World "Kerns" said...

Steph, We'll NEVER change. However, I think life's experiences make it a little harder to be FUN all the time..but we try. Ha, ha.