Tuesday, July 13, 2010

More Kern Summertime...

My friend, Lisa, and I decided we'd like to take a trip and attend a temple endowment session at the Manti temple.  So, we planned it out and we were SO EXCITED to have this opportunity to go to that historic temple together and spend the evening together.  So I took extra time to get all ready and was looking forward to my time with Lisa.  She called me when she was leaving work and asked if I'd like a salad from the Trolley in Springville...Of Course..I love them.  So she planned to take some ice and put the salads on ice so we could enjoy them at a park somewhere in Manti.  I was so happy to be able to spend this time with my friend.  As I finished getting ready, all of a sudden this thought sprang in to my mind.."The Temple might be closed because of the Manti pageant".  The pageant is held each summer in June.  So I got on to the internet with the help of Eric we found out that the temple was CLOSED.
Deflation hit my soaring spirit.
I hurried to call Lisa.
Both of us quickly decided we still wanted to attend the temple.
One of the blessings of living in Northern Utah..or Central, is that there are temples close by.
We decided to go to the Mt. Timpanogas temple in American Fork.
Still planned for the salads..YUM, and we would still have our time together.
Lisa and met in Springville.
Lisa had found a BOX full of old photo albums and momentos from the past.
If you know me, you know I LOVE going through old letters, pictures and anything that brings back memories and tells the story of a person's life.
So I began looking through albums, which were filled with photos and cards and notes written to Lisa from others and it was so much fun..Somehow, Lisa was able to stay on the road and we didn't hit anyone.  We laughed and she shared memories with me, some I was a part of, but there were many photos and memories that took place long before I came along, hee, hee.  
When we arrived in American Fork, we stayed in the car and looked through all of the albums and other items Lisa brought to share.  It was AWESOME!
I gained even more love for my dear friend.
Well, we had sat there for so long that it was a bit difficult to get out of the car.  Plus, my bladder was FULL.  So as we stretched out the kinks in our joints and began walking to the temple there were two things on my mind.  One was that I had not done an endowment session in this temple and two was that Linde was married there. I remembered Lisa and I sitting together feeling so happy inside for our dear Linde.
Oh one more thing..I was praying hard that we'd make it to the bathroom before I couldn't hold it any longer!
Well, we made it.  We had a wonderful time in the temple and since I brought my camera we took a few pictures together.

A nice man took this one for us..it was so windy, we opted for sunglasses, so our eyes wouldn't be squinting and watery!
We are so COOL!
After the session at the temple, we found a park right across the street.  Found a picnic table and enjoyed our salads, mine was so GOOD, and talked till dark.

Dear Lisa,
Friends don't get any better than you!
Thanks for sharing so much of yourself with me.
Can't wait till we can go to Manti together....
Your not so secret admirer


Lisa Dew said...

Oh Nez, lest you forget...YOU are the dearest friend anyone could ever have! And I know you are dear friend to MANY! I'm just glad that I happen to be one of the many! Thanks for so many wonderful times together and memories! Thanks for always being there for me! I love you tons!

Lisa Dew said...

Ah Ha!!! I actually posted a comment!!! Aren't you proud of me?!

As the World "Kerns" said...

Lisa, I am SO PROUD of you! There you go, being extra sweet again. Always making me feel good and loved. Keep posting!!!

Stephanie said...

What a great post of two GREAT friends! Good Times! Love that you're making NEW memories together!