Monday, November 30, 2009


Thanksgiving 2009 is over; but I'm thankful for pictures that help me remember how nice it was. I didn't remember to take my camera out during food prep time in the kitchen, but I did enjoy having a crowd in the kitchen helping to get the food ready to serve almost on time! We did have most of my family here at our home, just missing 5 family members. Thankful that our basement is finished and we can use it and fill it up with nieces and nephews;as well as our own children, ranging from 14 to 11 months. 36 people!! 2 sets of twins!! Blonde hair, brown hair, strawberry blonde hair, no hair, white hair, multi-colored hair (me). Blue eyes, hazel eyes, brown eyes, green eyes? Children turned in to teenagers getting TALLER than me! Children trying to get taller than me! Food being devoured by tall thin boys who don't look like they could ever eat that much food! Cousins getting in the canal water....luckly it wasn't full, wet pants and shoes. Good dinner, good dessert, good company. Family, I am thankful for family!!! Danny and Anika wins for biggest smile!!!
Michael, most distinguished pose after Thanksgiving feast.
Dad, best Thanksgiving jig holding plate in one hand and phone in the other!

Chad, winner of eating the most mashed potatos and gravy, Joseph coming in a close second.
John winner of the BEST SEAT in the house!

Bev, winner of the last person left sitting at the table...notice how many plates she has next to her...hmmm!

Stacey and mom best facial features to sum up how we all felt after dessert!

THE FRUIT OF OUR LOINS!!! See me in the background?? Don't I look like everyone's favorite Aunt??? That's because I AM!! Ha, ha.

The line to get to the food! Joseph is the tall boy trying to dish up the biggest amount of mashed potatos!
It was a fun Thanksgiving....No one was hurt...I am ThAnKfUl!

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