Thursday, November 12, 2009

Blast from the past

Donny Osmond is on "Dancing With the Stars" this season. I have enjoyed watching him. I remember being a Donny Osmond fan from the time I was very young. I had Osmond records, Donny records, purple socks and yes I wished to marry him when I grew up. I was devastated the day I heard he found his one true love. I recently began organizing my photos in different containers and remembered coming across a few pictures of a time that my sister, Bev, and I found out about an appearance Donny Osmond would be making at a local Las Vegas Movie Theater. He had something to do with the music in the movie and I don't remember what the movie was. (No it wasn't Mulan...this was before his Disney time) I do, however, remember that a friend of mine from work, myself and my sister went to this event. As you can see from the photos, we were able to get up close for a picture. Bev, who is the ultimate Osmond stalker, stood a LITTLE closer than I did. Whoever took the picture cut off the top of Donny's head..but you can still tell it's Donny Osmond. Yes, that is me with the BIG plastic rimmed glasses.

As you can see from the second picture Bev was not satisfied with just one up close picture, she followed him throughout the theater and outside almost got in to the limo with him. I wish I had pictures of Bev's days chasing Jimmy Osmond around, but alas it is just written down somewhere in her journals for her posterity to enjoy.

Good luck made it in to the final 4...maybe you'll be the next Dancing with the Stars Champion!!! One more thing to add to your wall of fame.
Hmmm I wonder if he has his copy of the picture with Bev and I on his WALL???


Linde said...

Wow! He looks so young. I mean I think he looks young on DWTS, but these pictures are young.

Great photos of you and Bev too. Funny about her "stalking" him. :)

Stephanie said...

I love dancing w/the stars too Inez! Didn't you love Donny dressed up like Adam Ant?! I think he's doing a great job on there. You have all the luck w/being photographed w/celebraties, I'm jealous. I saw the movie you're talking about too, it was when I was in high school. The only thing about it that I can remember now is that Marie was in it too and I believe they were in Hawaii. The one scene that comes to mind is them walking down the airplane stairs onto the tarmac and receiving those floral necklaces....

As the World "Kerns" said...

Steph, I did love him dressed like Adam Ant! I think the movie you are thinking of is Going Coconuts, Donny and Marie starred in that silly movie. The one I'm thinking of is one he did a song in but wasn't in it himself. You're so funny though, remembering that scene. We need to go see Donny and Marie in Vegas...of course it COST TOO MUCH!!!