Wednesday, August 12, 2009

My little helper...

This afternoon I was loading the dishwasher and almost as soon as I opened the door to the dishwasher, Neal came crawling in to the kitchen and promptly began taking things out quicker than I could load them dish in, four forks out, one glass in, 2 bowls out...something like that. At first I felt a bit frustrated, but then as I watched him I marveled at how much he wanted to participate in this chore that I just automatically do, or I have Spencer and Camilla help with. So I handed him a yellow plastic plate and he put it in the dishwasher. I began to reminisce about when Spencer and Camilla were at this stage and how they were always with me and so eager to join in on whatever I was doing. So I grabbed the camera and decided to fully enjoy the moment. Here he is, my 18 month old helper.

He put plates in and took bowls out, he took silverware out and had a good time banging spoons against the inside of the dishwasher door. All was well and keeping him busy until Spencer came and opened the backdoor, which is in our kitchen, and Neal made a b-line for the door because Coal our "doggie" is out that door. So I had Spencer get me one of our gates and we put it up at the door and Coal became the center of Neal's attention so I hurried back to the dishwasher and finished it up quickly so I could move on to the next task. I enjoyed my helper, but I also appreciated my new babysitter..COAL!


Linde said...

I soooo understand that! :) It is fun to see them participate and "help" (most of the time). They really do want to help and do things with you. Fun to see the pictures.

Stephanie said...

Love moments like that! SO glad you thought of grabbing the camera to record and enjoy your little helper. What a cutie!