Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Happy Birthday Butch!

Happy BIRTHDAY Butch!!!!!

At a Rick Springfield concert in Orem 2004, Butch, me, Lisa and Linde (TRUE FRIENDSHIP!)

August 18th always stands out to me because it's my friend Butch's birthday. I met Butch in the Fall of 1984 (almost 25 years ago!). He was one of my family home evening brothers; at BYU you are divided in to family home evening groups and you meet together on Monday evenings for lesson and activities. My first recollection of Butch was that he threw a water balloon at me and I wasn't too sure if I was going to like him...ha, ha. Well, I quickly learned that I would come to not only like him and my other "homely brothers" as we affectionately knew them, but also depend on them and love them just like my own family. Butch saved me many times that school year of 1984/85 perhaps now those things might seem silly, but at the age I was and what was important back then, Butch really was "there" for me many times. When I left Provo in 1985 I really didn't think we'd keep in contact, I figured he'd get married soon etc. and the friendship would fade away.

When I came back to Provo in 1986, Butch was still there and not married. He still came through for me when I so needed a good friend and this is a picture of us at a dinner in which the girls invited guys they were interested in and for whatever reason ,that escapes me now, the particular guy I was interested in was not interested in coming to dinner and so I called my brother, Butch, and he came. I don't really remember the dinner, but this is one of my favorite pictures of us together; I've kept it all these years and love glancing at it from time to time.

Butch and I would get together from time to time until he left to join the Army Special Forces, in 1988, I believe. Also during that summer something happened and I was thinking...hmmm I think I might feel something more than that brotherly sisterly kind of love...hee, hee. I talked to him for the last time in November of that year and said goodbye. I did write for at least a year or so, but never got a letter in return...not blaiming Butch, but we did lose contact. I did talk with his dad a few times and he assured me that Butch was doing okay.

Life went on and I often wondered what had become of my dear friend. In 2000 when we purchased our first computer and I found out about the internet and email etc., etc. Eric was looking up old companions on his Mission site. He showed me how to use it and what he had found. Well, me being me, tried to remember where my friends had gone on missions and tried to contact some that I had found and guess what??!!! I found Butch..he was the only one who replied from trying to find people in that way. So after 11 or 12 years of disconnection we became connected again. It was fun to get emails, see pictures of his family and get caught up once again. We eventually met up again and have remained connected and close friends to this day.

Butch is one of my favorite people, he's funny, kind, a good listener, cares about others, a great dad, loves his KIDS and his MOTORCYCLE, a hard worker, still saves my life from time to time in the ways that are important to me today, and he has become stronger through trials. It always makes me happy when we get to have time together. (Which is never enough for my liking!) I still get that same excitement I always got when I was in my early 20's. I've been very blessed to have a few enduring friendships in my life and Butch is definitely a blessing to me and my family. He's been supportive of me and encouraged me and been a confidant at times I really needed one, he is a true friend.

1 comment:

Linde said...

Amazing we've all known each other that long!