Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Last day of school

This is a picture of Camilla on the last day of school; she was a bit sad to be leaving her friends and Miss Monty.
The kids are all writing in each others yearbooks. This is Camilla with two very sweet friends, Alexa on Camilla's right and Annie on her left.

Here are all of her first grade classmates with their wonderful teacher, Miss Monty. Congratulations Camilla for completing first grade!


Linde said...

I thought I left a message on this yesterday, but looks like I didn't. :) How fun, the last day, but sad too for the kids--espeically when they like their class!!

On the hat Jacob was wearing...he has a big head. That is Jason's hat. I'm sure he got it at some place like REI or a place that sells camping stuff. I like it because it has a leather slide that I can keep it on him! No, his legs are too short for the pedals so I just push him. :)

Stephanie said...

What a good mom you are taking photo picture memories of Camilla's teachers. Why didn't I think of that, ha!

Stephanie said...

BTW: Love your new picture you put as the header on your blog! It's so GREEN in UT right now, WOW!