Thursday, May 28, 2009

This past week...

A cheezy grin from Neal...he's very proud to be STANDING in his crib!!
Spencer is shaving!!!!

I was informed that his dad taught him a few weeks ago!

First shaving nick...he did not like the stinging feeling or the styptic pencil...ended up using a bandaide before bed. Pretty soon he'll be a pro!

Camilla modeling her new nose job...she's a fan of Penelope the movie.
and new hair-cut by Nicole Dew...
Check out those layers..

Front shot.
Very sick baby boy. Mommy so thankful that daddy came home and held him so that she could make something for the family to eat. Neal loves his daddy!

Another shot of Neal, trying to eat...he is just nibbling some crackers and I was trying to get some liquids in him.
I've not seen Neal this sick. He has a very bad cold, turned in to ear infection. He's taking albuterol treatments every 4 hours the last 48 hours and now has moved to every 6 hours. Tylenol and Ibuprofen, a steroid to help the inflammation and now amoxycillin..his first round of antibiotics. He seems to feel a bit better today, but tires out quickly.
As I type Neal is grabbing for the mouse..he's standing next to me trying to pound on the keys..I guess that's my cue to end this post.


Stephanie said...

Poor Neal! So sad to see him so sick - my own eyes were watering. I hope he's feeling better now. I think that's the worst part of being a parent, having to see your kids suffer when they're sick & not really being able to do too much. Especially when they're little and can't tell you what's wrong.

LOVED the photo's of Spencer shaving - too funny. I can't believe he's big enough to shave!

My favorite photo of Camilla is the middle one - she's a beauty!

Sanders said...

Those are some sad pics of your sick boy! :o(

I can't believe Spencer is shaving, what is this world coming to?

Camilla's hair is way cute!

Linde said...

I am so sorry he has been so sick. That is so hard to see them that way. I hope, by now, the antibiotics are working for him. Poor baby!

Spencer is SHAVING????? Wow! Cannot believe that!

Darling hair on Camilla. Nicole did a great job! Where is she cutting these days?

As the World "Kerns" said...

Thanks for the comments. Neal seems to be getting better each day. Cough has losened up, which is a good thing. Still runny nosed etc., but that is much better. It is funny that Spencer is shaving..he's growing up too fast.

Linde, Nicole is cutting at her school, which is MATC, in Spanish Fork...the very South end. It's only about 10 minutes from us or so if we take the freeway.

Steph, I love the new layout for your blog!!!