Wednesday, May 20, 2009

He's standing tall

Neal is 15 months now, and yesterday he pulled himself up to standing position for the first he's pulling up to everything! I took some videos as well, but I can't remember how to load I'll work on that when I get a few more minutes! Hooray for our baby NEAL!
Today Neal pulled himself up to this chair, and I decided to put toys on it to see how long he'd stand there and play.
He stood there for at least 10 minutes and enjoyed himself.
He's especially intrigued with this hand lotion.
Notice the hand lotion has been thrown to the floor for more colorful toys!
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Stephanie said...

I can't believe you're encouraging this behavior! Have you had your daily dose of chocolate yet? What are you thinking? Once he's up and running around, that's it, ha!!! (You know I'm just kidding, right!?!). He's really growing up!

Linde said...

Isn't that fun to see! I loved it when Jacob became more mobil. You have to chase more, but it frees you up a bit too! Soon he'll be walking!

Cute pictures!

As the World "Kerns" said...

He's totally on the move and busy, busy, busy. Investigating everything and making little piles everywhere he goes..books, clothes, shoes, etc., etc. Today I caught him just throwing books off the bottom shelf in his room..and he was having the time of his life!! I hope I lose some more weight chasing him and don't have a heart attack or something..ha, ha.