Today, this very sweet little girl had to miss her Halloween costume parade at school because she is sick.
She has been laying around, resting and putting on a puppet show for an audience of stuffed animals, dolls and ....
This little guy. He doesn't sit still for very long, but she did manage to entertain him for a few moments. Little guy is sick as well. Red, runny nose, a bit of a cough and I believe he has ants in his pants. He can't seem to sit in one place for very long. He has been running, throwing, jumping, climbing, emptying drawers and shelves of their belongings, tumbling, screaming and he can't seem to rid himself of the ants in the pants virus...he even tried washing his hands in the toilet.
I have been sitting at a table looking through recipes, making menus and shopping lists for the month of November. While I was there at the table busily being a good home economist, and from time to time jumping up to check on my two sick children as well as drop a note or two to my friends on line, something AWFUL happened! An EVIL DEMON got in to my kitchen and destroyed all of the Nice guy's work.
I know it's almost Halloween and that I may have disturbed the calm tranquil peace of Payson when I set out on my Witches adventure a few nights ago, but REALLY...did I deserve this????
I guess I'll have to try wiggling my nose when I come back from picking up the Teenage Werewolf from Jr. High School. I hope my broom has a enough fuel in it. It is the end of the month.
PAYDAY TOMORROW...Oh I just I hope I can get through TODAY.