Friday, January 15, 2010

Organizing continued....

At the beginning of the week I posted pictures of my bedroom in the process of trying to unclutter it and organize our things and make it look like a bedroom.  Here are the results and remember I had no money to spend.

Isn't it amazing!!! that's a dream bedroom kind of like that shoe closet. (However, I would need some red in my bedroom)

Here is the real bedroom:

I did get rid of all the trash and found the top of my dresser again.  It's a good feeling.

Neal has taken up reorganizing the kitchen.  He has been rearranging cabinets, This photo above is just one example of his skills..pretty smart using a muffin pan to hold sippy cups and having them low enough that the sippy cup user can reach it all on his own!  Even Mickey thinks it was a good move..Thumbs up to Neal!

1 comment:

Linde said...

Have him do the whole house and see what he comes up with! :) Good for you for cleaning out!