Sunday, January 31, 2010

Goodbye January...

The last night of January.  The month has gone by so quickly.  I did spend some time talking about me and tomorrow I'll go back to commenting about me sometimes, but sharing things about my family and friends and other things that might come to my mind.

*Neal and Jan last year when Neal turned one!

I am excited to be heading in to February.  I love the month of February.  I love Valentines day, mostly because I love hearts and I love chocolate.  I love that Neal was born in February.  I have a niece, Miranda, who has a birthday in February.  My brother in law, Chad, and my sister in law, Carol, each have birthdays in February.  Lisa was born in February, Ray was born in February and I  was born in February.  Eric's mother was born in February...ALOTOF birthdays to celebrate! My brother, Robert, and his wife, Carol, have their anniversary in February.  Jan, my wonderful next door neighbor has her birthday on the same day as Neal.  

The month of February represents love to me and life, because of Valentines and all the birthdays..especially mine.  I like it better when there are 29 days in it, but I will accept and have learned to enjoy celebrating my birthday on the 28th, I get to share that day with Lisa, one of my favorite people in the UNIVERSE!

Okay, so I'm saying goodbye to January, it was fun to talk about me...just a little bit.  I will head in to February thinking about my little almost 2 year old miracle baby, wearing RED as much as I can, what to do for Eric for Valentines Day, saying "I love you" to all the people I do love more often, getting valentine cards for Camilla to give out to her classmates and friends, sending birthday cards or e-cards to my loved ones who's birthdays are coming up, and remembering that Spencer still needs a valentine, even though he acts like he's too cool for one.  I will undoubtedly remember all the boys I've ever loved before, because I seem to do that around Valentine's day.
I'm hoping for a BIG PARTY on my birthday and when I open my present I'm sure it will be a TICKET to a Rick Springfield concert!  I also keep hoping to go down on the scales and not up!  I hope February will be full of lots of HAPPINESSSSSSSSSS for everyone. 

Goodbye January 2010....HULLOOOOO FEBRUARY THE MONTH OF LOVE.  If I give you a kiss this month, don't get any funny ideas, I just do that in happens!


Linde said...

That is a DARLING picture of you in the red! So cute. Look at you in the picture of Neal's b-day and today--you can tell you've lost weight!!

As the World "Kerns" said...

Thanks Linde..that makes me feel good.