Monday, January 11, 2010

Organize Ever Needful thing

my side...haven't begun yet.
The collection of boxes, pants that are too big for Eric and more professional development STUFF.

The top of our dresser, which I have not seen for several months. Yes, that is an exercise ball and after I've organized every needful thing, I plan to use that BALL.

In the process of organizing...this shelf is no longer a collection of our fav. books, it's now Eric's professional development things. I still have not cleared off the photo albums and other scrapbooks from the bottom shelf, but I plan to and I will put them on the top shelf of our closet!

I'm trying to clean our bedroom (Eric's and mine). Eric has a lot of professional development literature, notebooks, papers...stuff. We have leftover things from Christmas; since our room seemed to be the place to wrap and there is a huge box that held a karaoke machine. So I am trying to make it look like a bedroom again without being able to spend any money for shelves, totes, contraptions to hide things away in. Also hoping that I don't throw anything away that Eric needs, or disorganize his know how sometimes things look a mess but you really KNOW where everything is??

I listened to a great talk in church yesterday about "organizing every needful thing". I do believe that life is much better when "THINGS" have a place. I also believe "less" is better. I want our home to be a place that is comfortable for us, others and a place where the Spirit can enter in, and preferrably stay. I would also like to say that Eric is usually not the one to have "clutter" he is usually the one throwing everything away and helping to clean. So I don't want anyone getting the wrong impression of my husband. I just think that in his line of work...teaching and training teachers... there is just an enormous amount of resources and not enough space..meaning, he NEEDS an office. Please write your senators, congressmen, legislators and all WEALTHY TYCOONS and suggest that they pay the teachers enough to be able to at least afford a few decent book shelves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh and maybe enough to take their wife on a Rick Springfield cruise!


Joy Hollingshaus said...

I am on the same page as you---trying to organize every needful thing. At my house, I think I have too many "needful" things. Time to purge. Wish we lived closer then I could help you and then you could help me! Keep me posted on your progress...

Linde said...

I know what you mean with all of Eric's stuff. It really begins to collect and he needs that stuff! I also have a basement to prove that I need to organize!