Friday, August 28, 2009

How to eat a Brick Oven Chocolate Chip Cookie and Not Gain weight!

First of all..had a reunion lunch with my two college room-mates (Linde and Lisa) and one of our college guy friends (Steve) yesterday at Brick Oven Pizza, in Provo. We had not seen Steve since 1985. It was a great reunion and lots of fun. I didn't take my camera, but Linde did and she posted a picture or two on her blog, so I'll let you check that out there. It's great to have LONG-TIME friends and to be able to have reunions with our old college chums from time to time.

A day or two before the lunch, I emailed my old college chum, Scott, and told him about the upcoming event. He reminisced about the chocolate chip cookies at Brick Oven Pizza. He even mentioned that he had bought me one or two on occasion. I could not remember them and so made a point of ordering four, for my children of course.

"What???" You're thinking to yourself, "Why four when you have only three children?" for Scott of course. I mean he does deserve a cookie after putting up with me for 20....blah, blah, blah years... So here is Scott's cookie.
Here is Neal enjoying a portion of his cookie...

Here I am with Scott's cookie....We are so close that I know he won't mind me taking a sniff and just a tiny lick.
We have been so close for so long I know he will not mind at all if I just take one little bite...because he knows I did not buy one for myself and therefore he would want to share just a bite with me.
I wrestled and wrestled with myself after that first bite, but once you take the first bite, it's just impossible to stop!
I pulled myself half way back in to consciousness and knew I could just wrap half of the cookie up and send it on to my very generous friend, Scott, and he wouldn't mind at all that I had eaten half.

But then before I knew it the rest of the cookie jumped in to my mouth and there was not a darn thing I could do about it!!!

AWWWWW, there is nothing like a Brick Oven Chocolate Chip Cookie Hang-Over..............NOTHING!!!
Scott, old buddy, old pal...I promise that when you come to Utah next time I will buy you a dozen Brick Oven Chocolate Chip Cookies, but I know that we are such amazingly good friends that you are saying to yourself, "Thank you so much Nez, for eating my cookie for me so I won't gain even one ounce"
(PS....Lisa, it was all staged, I DID NOT EAT THAT WHOLE COOKIE........but, I did sneak a bite. Then the rest of the household helped me finish it! wink, wink)


Linde said...

That is so funmy! I love the picture with your hair all over...glad that you got at least one bite out of it. ;)

Scooter said...

This beats all. Your friends will be tortured to no end now that you have a blog and digital camera! I want my cookie!!! Love YOU BBFF!

Stephanie said...

Inez: "You Da' Bomb!" I laughed so hard while reading this I almost peed my pants, ha! LOVE IT! I think this is one of my favorite posts! How come I've never had a Brick Oven Cookie - no one ever told me how delectable they are... We'll have to go get one the next time we visit UT.

As the World "Kerns" said...

It was a good cookie. BIG TOO! Scott and Steph when you come again we will all have to meet up at the Brick Oven and have a yummy get together. BEWARE..I have many torture tactics in mind..hee, hee, hee (evil laugh)

Glad you laughed Steph, I can just hear it now. Can't wait to share a cookie or two with you!