Thursday, August 27, 2009

15 Years!!!

August 27, 1994 was one of the HAPPIEST days of my life. It's the day I became Mrs. Eric Kern. We have a video of that day and each time I watch it it takes me back to that very moment in time. I remember being so excited to get ready and driving from Mt. Charleston to Las Vegas and on to the Temple, seemed like the longest ride ever, but a very nice ride with my parents. It would be the last time I drove down that two lane mountain road as Inez Sanders. I would no longer be a single person, I would be joining my life with Eric's. We came from two very different worlds, but some how we managed to have very similar ideals, views, goals, interests and well, we were in LOVE.

We met at the recommend desk and we were both giddy and very happy that the other one showed up. I then was led in to the bride's room; and was helped to get ready by my mother. My grandmother was there as well. There were a few tense moments when the Matriach of the temple cautioned me on wearing the dress that my mother made for me; it was more of an antique white than pure white. I made the choice to wear my dress because I had taken material in a few months prior to get it okayed, and it had been given the okay. I'm glad I made that choice. I will NEVER forget the HOURS my mom spent sewing that dress and how SPECIAL I felt wearing it. It still hangs in my closet and I tried it on Camilla this past year, just for the fun of it, and it WAS FUN...maybe some day I'll be able to put it back on again. (Miracles do happen)

I can remember being escorted in to a room in which our Sealer, Patriach Kollicker, spent a bit of time explaining what would take place. We knew him because we had done lots of proxy sealings there during our single days and dating time, so it was very fun for all three of us to know that this one was going to be for Eric and I. As we walked in to the sealing room it was packed, friends were standing and I can remember being overwhelmed by the amount of people that had come to support us. I then focused on what was being said, and on Eric. He was the MOST HANDSOME man I had ever known and still is. He is the kindest, funnest, most hardworking, generous man to this day and he just keeps getting better. The sealing was very special to us and how thankful I am that we were able to be married in the Las Vegas Temple.

The luncheon at Eric's parents home was fun and we enjoyed being with friends and family there. We also had the FUNNEST time at our reception. With a BBQ, dancing and visiting with friends and family. To this day I still think it is the funnest reception I have ever attended. Of course it could be because I was the BRIDE FINALLY...ha, ha.

I won't go in to what took place after the reception, except to say we spent our first night together as husband and wife at the Mt. Charleston Inn. So, I was able to be married in Las Vegas, which I never really thought would happen, mostly because I had no idea we'd ever really get a temple there as I was growing up and I was able to spend my first evening and night married on the mountain I called home.

We've lived in three homes, have three children and have had many, many blessings along with our trials and through it all I LOVE ERIC MORE than I ever thought possible.


1 comment:

Joy Hollingshaus said...

Happy Anniversary!! That was such a fun post! Loved all the details. I wish I could have been there....maybe you can renew your vows---I'll be there for sure. Loved your post about the Brick Oven Cookies. I had forgotten about those---but I remember now! They are DEEE-LICS!!!