Thursday, March 19, 2009

Baby Kisses!!!

A few days ago I caught Eric kissing Neal, he just starts out by gently doing quick kisses from one ear, along his cheeks and then to the mouth and on to the other side of his face. He does that until Neal lets him know "that's enough." So I thought I'd give it a try. I'm always saying, "Kisses, give mommy some kisses" and he just shakes his head no and laughs at me. But finally I tried Eric's trick and Neal gave me a little kiss, but as you can see his eyes are on his dad! (taking the picture) He really LOVES his daddy.

There's just something magical about baby kisses. It's sweet and endearing. I just love to kiss babies, their sweet soft little lips and chubby cheeks... it's hard to stop once it starts...
Spencer doesn't enjoy kisses very often. I have to sneak it in once in awhile. Camilla gets giggling so much when we are giving kisses and she prefers them on the cheek. I grew up kissing my parents on the lips and I'm just used to that, but I succumb to cheek kissing or else we spend most of the time wrestling so the kiss can happen. Once in awhile I outsmart her by putting my arms around her after she's laying down in bed and I pin her down; then quickly kiss her as she laughs. Eric has to almost pen both kids down to kiss them, and I've seen him have to be content to kiss them on the head. I'm not sure how that happened, I mean we are a fairly affectionate family, and we say "I love you" every day, usually several times a day. At least they both give hugs without too much resistence. LOL!!
So, we are enjoying our baby kisses from Neal and who knows maybe we'll have one out of the bunch who actually likes kissing his parents?!


Stephanie said...

Kids are all so different. I remember Tess was a non-kisser. Once she got old enough to know what was going on, she was stingy with them. Cameron was much more affectionate though and our youngest Collin is pretty affectionate. But I see the writing on the wall. As time continues to fly & the older he gets, the snuggles, hugs and kisses will soon come to an end way before I'm ready. It's so sad! Enjoy (and steal) those kisses while you can!

As the World "Kerns" said...

I guess we have to get as much of the kisses and hugs as we can when they are little. Maybe if we keep working at it, they'll come back for more as they get older!? I'm hoping anyway.

Sanders said...

I miss baby kisses :o(

Linde said...

I do kisses all the time on Jacob, but he hasn't caught on yet as to how to do it back. So funny what they do and when they learn it!