Camilla gathered sticks from the yard, fallen from our trees, and with the help of Eric and I, she put together a band that would hold her antlers. She enjoyed pulling her make believe sleigh for awhile. As you can see in the background, Eric is hard at work raking the lawn and sticks and helping the lawn to stand up after all the snow this winter.
Camilla the reindeer!
Camilla told Eric that she wanted to be a clown, he did most of the makeup, but she added black penciled in eyebrows!
Camilla, the clown!
Never Say Never
1 week ago
Funny what kids like to do isn't it? I remember things like that and now I would no more put branches in my hair than fly to the moon! ;)
That's very true, but you just wait till Jacob wants you to do something crazy with just might be flying to the moon!
Kids are so fun aren't they! How cute!
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