Spencer is taking Agricultural Science. He is also a member of the FFA, because he is taking Ag. Science. None of us had any idea what we were getting in to. Spencer's first big project was to turn in homegrown produce to the Utah State Fair. So because we did not grow a garden and do not have fruit trees, we asked Grandpa Sanders if there were any vegetables left in his garden to harvest. Yes, carrots and beets. Since Spencer helped plant and weed in grandpa's garden, he was able to use vegetables from this garden. Spencer with the help of grandpa and cousin, Lorin, dug up 5 carrots and 5 beets. He cleaned them up and presented them to his teacher. The vegetables were then trucked to the Utah State Fair in Salt Lake City. Spencer was able to attend the fair last week with his class. He found out that his/grandpa's vegetables were presented with blue ribbons. So grandpa grows blue ribbon vegetables in his garden! Spencer received an "A". Now he is talking about raising a PIG~~
He also just memorized the 5 paragraph FFA creed and hopes to be the first to say it to his teacher an earn 100 extra credit points. I HOPE HE DOES IT!!!
In September we said goodbye to summer. HELLOOOOO FALL!!! And watched Spencer blow out 15 candles on his birthday cake. Yep, my first baby boy is 15. Old enough to get his driver's permit. He is anxious to learn how to drive. I am moving slowly as usual, I am a slow moving procrastinator except when it comes to Rick Springfield concerts or Red Sports Cars...those two things make me move fast. I move fast to get to the front ROW at a concert and I like to drive fast....or have liked to drive fast and dream of a RED SPORTS car to drive fast and far!!! Well, we won't mention that to Spencer now will we? I am also the world's best driving instructor. I taught Eric how to drive and so far so good. So, I will find the proper geer....crash helmits, brakes/steering wheel installed on the passengers side of our Honda. Then I will take Spencer to the church parking lot and we will begin a year of adventure. Perhaps that adventure will take us back to Nevada and the Cold Creek Canyon road and well as the Kyle Canyon road and the ever amazing I-95 stretch from Mt. Charleston turn off to Indian Springs. I do believe that my son needs to have the experience of driving on the roads his mother learned on....yes, and his dad. I took my beloved on those roads to learn the fine art of driving. And after 16 years of marriage, I have let him drive on occasional dates and always to church!!! So soon Spencer will be on the roads.
I love all my children the same. There truly is enough love in a mother's heart to go around equally to all of her children. However, Spencer made me a mother and for that I will love this boy eternally. He is a wonderful young man. He has amazing side burns, a quick wit, loves video games, rap music, hip-hop, basketball, movies, WWE wrestling, reading a good book, pizza, Coke, sleeping in the family room, magic, he plays a sweet saxophone, likes airsoft wars with his friends, wants to be a BOXER and wants to be RICH. I hope this is a WONDERFUL year for you Spencer. Keep working hard and making good choices.
Never Say Never
1 week ago
That is SO awesome! It's great that Spencer has a grandpa willing (and probably) really excited to have help with his garden. What a confidence booster for Spencer! Keep up the good work! And as for driving. I'm sure Spencer will do fine, but my advice is to keep up with the procrastination, slow moving feet scenario as long as possible... Ha ha! Sorry Spence - we mom's think alike in that department!
I wish I had known he had veggies at the fair. We went the Saturday before the fair ended. I looked at the veggies, but not too much at the name. Way to go for him!
Wow! Learning to drive. We are getting old! ;)
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