Sunday, July 25, 2010

A funny picture of Neal

I came across this picture today and it made me LAUGH.  I just had to share it.
Neal is 2 years old..well, almost 2 1/2 years old.
He is a HANDFUL.
At church he is up and down and over and LOUD.
He likes ELMO.
He loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.
He likes his...let me rephrase, he LOVES his blue kitty blanket.
He still likes his blue binky.
He likes to sing, "The wheels on the Bus, If you're happy and you know it, 1, 2 buckle my shoe, Popcorn Popping, I have a little Turtle."
He gives kisses on the lips, sometimes.
He hits.
He can almost jump with both feet off the ground.
He climbs.
He runs.
He runs away from me when I ask him to come to me...
He has a temper and he screams.
He laughs.
He dances.
He says "hi" to people when we walk by them.
He wrestles with Spencer.
He plays with Camilla, usually.
He likes to take walks with Eric to the park.
He rides in the stroller while I walk to the school, then he hops out and plays on the playground until I say.."Okay, Neal, mommy is ready to finish her walk, get back in the stroller and you can have your blanket and binky"
This evening Neal ate cookies dough from a fork as I was making cookies...he kept saying,"Mow pease?"
Neal just said his own prayer at bedtime tonight!
Some days I have to remind myself just how far he's come, days when I am at the end of my patience, energy and don't think I'm going to make it to bedtime. 
I have a friend who has a little baby in the NICU.  She's been staying in the hospital feeding him and preparing for him to go home with her.  Listening to her, even though her story is different than Neal's, brings back memories.  Memories of the prayers, support, two and half months spent driving back and forth to Mt. Timpanogas Regional Medical Center. Staying home for months after he came home, during flu and cold season for two years.  All in hopes that Neal would be just who he is today!
Neal begins my day and ends my day with pure happiness.


Linde said...

So fun to hear what he is doing. Yes, Jacob is LOUD in church too. He seems to figure everythin else out except what whisper means. :) Jacob is just beginning to jump off the groud with 2 feet also. Funny to watch huh? :)

Stephanie said...

Awe. What a sweet blog. It's great that you're writing these memories down now. All too soon they start to fade. Love the picture!

As the World "Kerns" said...

It is funny to watch, Linde. I know we can get Neal to whisper sometimes, but usually not at church. LOL
Oh well, I remember thinking everyone elses kids were so cute and funny when I thought I was all done. Now, it's my turn to get a bit embarrassed and have them come tell me how cute he is. At least most people are very patient with each other in the LDS faith.

I agree, Steph, I wish I had a blog of Camilla and Spencer. I have forgotten far too much. I have some things written in my journal, but not enough.