Sunday, September 20, 2009

Sunday afternoon/evening snack!

1-2-3 Caramel Popcorn!!

1 c. brown sugar
2 cubes margarine (I used butter, that's what I have)
33 large marshmallows
Melt and pour over 2 bags of popped microwave popcorn, mix and ENJOY!!
So easy and delicious and I used Orville Redenbacher's Smart Pop popcorn so I'm sure that there are NO fat calories..ha, ha. No, it's a very dangerous popcorn for someone on Weight I only have had a few bites..It's for my family!!!!!


Stephanie said...

Looks Yummy. However, I dont' speak Western Utah dialect. Is "cube" the same thing as "stick"?

As the World "Kerns" said...

Funny Steph..yes, "cube" is the same thing as "stick". I put the left overs in a ziplock bag. Neal LOVED was so funny to watch him eat it.