I put Earth Song on my playlist. It is a Michael Jackson song and I had not heard it until his death. I really like it and so I decided to add it to my blog. I seem to find myself thinking about this song during the day as I'm working.
I danced to Michael Jackson in my single days and married and with children..I have walked to MJ on my treadmill and I used to wake up to him on our walls growing up. My sister, Bev, was a big fan. He was an extremely talented person. I don't claim to understand him at all, but I definitely, like many others in our world, was affected by him.
I can remember when Elvis died and how it affected the world, my mom was a fan so I grew up listening to him and I enjoyed him and still do. I suppose that Michael affected even more people in the world because of MTV and all the charity work he did. It's just too bad that so many of the most talented people in our world are so troubled. At least he left us some great music!
3 days ago
I was in high school when his gigantic hit "Thriller" hit MTV. I admit, that was a pretty darn cool video and song. I also remember crying like a baby when he sang that song (as a boy) "Ben". It was a song in a movie about a mouse/rat and a boy. The rat dies for the boy or something like that and then Michael Jackson's son "Ben" is cued (Ben, the two of us....)! Wish I could remember the name of that movie! I also liked his duet w/Paul McCartney a lot, "Say, Say, Say..."
Oops! I menat to say, "... Michael Jackson's SONG "Ben" is cued..."
I mean, meant... I think I need to go to bed now...
I love the song "Ben" as well. I don't remember ever seeing the movie, but I have always liked the song. Isn't the movie entitled "Ben" as well? I could be wrong, I've been known to be wrong..hee, hee.
You're probably right. I should try and see if I can find it and watch it again with my kids. I barely remember it...
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