Monday, May 25, 2009

Picture Tag
The rules:
1. Go to your documents/pictures
2. Go to your 6th folder
3. Go to your 6th picture
4. Post it, and blog about it
5. Tag 6 people to do the same (Carol, Linde, Joy, Lois, Kris, Tiffany--tag, you're it!)

Here we go...this is Camilla on St. Patrick's day. She wanted to wear this cool green leprechaun hat that Eric purchased a few years back. Camilla loves all dress up days. She was a little worried that someone might tease her, but she wore it all day and enjoyed the attention she received by wearing it...oh and it kept her from getting pinched!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Too cute! See, if I hadn't tagged you, I never would have known that (first) Eric has a leprechan hat and (second) it helped prevent Camilla from being pinched at school on St. Patricks Day. Awesome!