Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas Day

Camilla and Dad trying to wake up!
Mom, Dad and Neal...Dad's really awake and ready to go!!!

Spencer and Neal, Spencer fed Neal his Christmas morning bottle before we went to see what Santa brought! Mom's first gift.

Neal overwhelmed with presents and mommy trying to help!

Santa brought this little dog that sings and teaches all kinds of body parts.

Santa brought a diamond castle barbie for Camilla

Neal and Camilla gave Spencer this Old Navy hoodie that he wanted.

Spencer exploring his stocking, and Santa's gift, a DS game.

Neal, REALLY EXCITED about the glow worm and his trusty activity center.

The barbie Camilla received from mom and dad.

Spencer $100. He's saving for a WII
It was a fun Christmas, we stayed in pajamas all day, ate pizza and goodies and watched movies. I forgot to take a picture of the kids with their gifts all together..oh well, maybe next year I'll have my wits about me..


Linde said...

Those pictures of Neal are so funny! I loved the one where he is really excited!! How fun to see.
That bear Santa brought him is really fun! One of my nieces has it and loves it.
Looks like you had a great day! Hope you have a fun New Year's!

Sanders said...

We really enjoyed the second picture of an "all too thrilled to be awake" Eric! We had to make it bigger for a better effect! Looks like you guys had a great Christmas, luv ya!