Monday, December 26, 2011

Liberty Spikes

Spencer learned how to put his mohawk in to Libert Spikes....It takes at least an hour. He uses a blow dryer and lots of hair GLUE and spray. Do I like it.....I really like the boy under the spikes...the spikes keep it out of his face...but I am praying it's a faze. How fun to be 16!

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First Day of Preschool

Neal started preschool at Spring Lake Elementary on December 5th. He was very very excited to ride the school bus!

He's not sure he likes the gel mom put in his hair.

Still unsure about the get a little glance at his Elmo back pack.

Trying to patiently wait for teh school bus.

ON THE BUS!!!!! Mommy was a bit scatter brained and forgot to actually get a picture of the BIG BUS, but as you can see by the look on Neal's face...He was in HEAVEN! He loves riding the school bus and is anxious for Christmas break to be over so he can get back on the bus. I haven't been able to get him to tell me much about school yet. I say, Neal did you have a good day at school....and he shakes his head yes then says, "mmmmmhhmmm"
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Sunday, November 13, 2011


 I try to do things to help myself feel paint my toe nails pink.
 Color my hair RED


Guess Who?


Neal is a BUSY 3 year old!  

 He found the camera...this is just one of his shots!


 Crazy Hair day

 Shower Time...learning to do more for herself.

Happy 10th Birthday with her Best friend, Camilla Adams.

Bringing Eric's Mom from Pueblo to Payson

 In August Eric and I drove to Pueblo Colorado and brought Eric's mom, Dottie, for a visit.  This was my first time to see where Eric grew up.  This is a photo of Eric near the River that went right in front of the home they lived in.  There is a nice River walk there now.
On our way home from Pueblo to Payson, We stopped in Fruita and visited with Dottie's aunt and cousin.  It was a fun visit.

 Eric, Spencer and Taylor went back in October to move Dottie to Payson.  This is a picture near the home where Eric grew up...or it might be his grandma's house..ha, ha.  I better check.
 Here is his elementary school.
 This is in front of the home Eric grew up in.
 The River walk area.
Another home he lived in.

I should have had Eric write this..maybe he'll amend it some day.  We have Dottie here with us now and are thankful for the help from Chad Argyle, his son and Taylor for going with Eric to bring Dottie here with her few belongings.  We know this is a BIG change for her and hope that it will be a good one for her and us.  We love having her here with us.

Carving pumpkins

Our annual pumpkin carving family home evening.  Neal enjoyed making shapes with help of his dad and then he would put them in and out of his jack-o-lantern's face...he got upset when we told him that it was time to put them out on the front can see his frustration with us.

Spencer and Porkchop

This last Winter and Spring, Spencer raised a pig for FFA.  He helped to feed, clean pens, give shots, groom etc.  The pigs at the jr. high pig lab.  Then he chose a pig.  He trained the pig for a show and auction.  These are the pictures from the show and auction.  He used a cane to teach the pig how to walk where he wanted him to, most of the time.  He won a ribbon and sold his pig.  Might I say, Porkchop, was very tasty.  Spencer was able to earn some money and he enjoyed spending it over the summer.

We are still here

Spencer beginning High School..10th grade.

Camilla beginning 4th grade.

Neal at home playing the badmitton racquet as a guitar.

I haven't blogged for several months. I am having a difficult time uploading pictures on my desktop PC, so I borrowed Eric's laptop to upload a few. We had a nice summer break. Began school in August and now we are looking forward to Thanksgiving in Las Vegas. I am still on tamoxifen and have had to deal with side effects that are bad on some days and okay on others. I've gained about 20 pounds which I hate and hope that I can have the will power and ability to change or else I'm not going to be able to move. We have Eric's mom living here with us now and my parents will be coming soon to stay for the winter months. FULL HOUSE. Eric is busy with his position at Santequin Elementary, he is the Title 1 coordinator. Enjoys the people he works with and it's challenging.

All the leaves are falling...we cut down one tree in our front yard. Yes, it's snowed a few times, but as of today we don't have any on the ground here..we have a wet leave filled front yard!
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Thursday, May 5, 2011


My daffodils didn't freeze...they bloomed!!!

Guess who this is?? Camilla made me a pretty either necklace or headband, for mother's day. I decided to wear it in my hair today. I am beginning to come out of hiding. I have kind shown my face and self in my neighborhood this week. Getting out of the house for walks with Neal and little jaunts here and there. I think I am blooming too..starting to feel like I'm coming alive again. Me, in a different sort of way..some things are different about me, but I am still Inez..I think. For awhile I have felt like maybe some of my brain was removed when my mastectomy was performed. I haven't done any research, but I was wondering if some of a woman's brain is connected to her breast? I know I'm being silly, but I truly didn't feel much like myself.

I am getting the urge to write more and maybe blog more. I felt good when I got out of the shower today..that is usually the way I felt before, I have to have a shower to feel awake..kind of like a cup of coffee for some. I even did a bit of dancing this morning with Neal and Camilla as we prepared for breakfast. Still cold cereal...but breakfast. Reading is getting easier again...for awhile, it was a bit hard. Maybe one of these days I'll pose for a portrait...Probably not, but maybe.

So did you figure out who is in the picture???? Ha, ha...Yep, It's ME!!!
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Wednesday, April 27, 2011


This was the beginning of April..broke off a tree limb.

This is TODAY! The tulips are coming alive with color. At least this bunch is; soon the others will as well. My daffodils froze..poor things. So far it's been a rainy, snowy, cold spring...

More rain is on it's way, but today we will be happy for the sun.
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