Friday, September 12, 2008

Spencer on Channel 4 news in August!

Here is the clip of Spencer on the news during the Payson fire. (He's toward the end so make sure you watch the whole thing)

Spencer's 13th Birthday

Happy Birthday Spencer! Spencer is such a great son and young man. He's been exceptionally helpful this past year and has taken on responsibilities that normally belonged to his mom and sometimes his dad's responsibilities. He was very helpful during the time Neal was born and those months in the hospital. Grandma Sanders reported to me that he was right there to help her whenever she asked, he knew where things were and knew how mom did things. He helped with Camilla and kept up in school too! This last summer he spent a week at scout camp and the Friday of that week the scouts were evacuated because of the fire we had her in Payson. He even got on the news (see the link above). He enjoyed spending some time with grandpa Sanders fishing this summer and his grandpa Kern came for a folk festival that he enjoyed with his dad and Camilla as well. Spencer also finished reading the Book of Mormon all the way through and he bore his testimony of it at a special stake youth fireside. Spencer is in 7th grade and so far he's got A's and B's in his classes, he's chose to learn to play the tenor saxophone for band and he's been practicing every day. Spencer has a great sense of humor and is always coming up with quick one-liners. He loves to watch TV and play his DS, he enjoys playing basketball, his dog Coal is his bud and as you can see from the picture above Spencer is not afraid of snakes...he caught two at our family reunion a few weekends ago and he had a fun time showing them off to everyone, but didn't realize how much he scared his Aunt Bev until he saw her terrified expression at dinner! Spencer is planning to spend his birthday going to school, hanging out with his cousin, Jeffrey Nelson, this evening and having Chinese food. He wants to sleep in the livingroom and watch shows all night long. Tomorrow he has plans with Jeff and his dad. Spencer that emergency c-section 13 years ago has been well worth it, you are one amazing boy and I am so proud of you! Camilla and Neal adore you and dad and I couldn't wish for a better first son! Have a great year being a teenager!!!!! (WHAT DID I SAY>>>TEENAGER, OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
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Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Rice Cereal

Neal has begun the task of eating solids...well, mushy solids, rice cereal is the beginning. He eats a little in the evenings. This is our attempt to document the occasion. Neal is weighing in at 13 lbs. 8 oz's., 25 inches in length. He had 6 yucky shots today, one was the flu shot and yes they hurt everyone in the room, but no one more than Neal of course. He cried and face turned red, but he stopped quickly and so far he's doing okay today. That was this morning, the rice cereal was about 3 evenings ago. Way to go Neal...keep growing you precious little boy! By the way, I'll be scanning some pics of Spencer soon as a baby, he's doing a project at school and had to find some baby pictures and it's like having twins 12 years apart. I'll put that in here when I get a chance.
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Monday, September 8, 2008


Hi, just wanted to share my newest picture of Rick Springfield! I purchased his new CD, "Venus in Overdrive" a few weeks ago and it's great in my opinion. I do have an obsession with him and I'm not ashamed of it, I find it to be something that is a lot of fun for me and if others participate with me we all have fun together. I've seen him in concert several times, first in the 80's with Lisa and Birthe, my friends from college, then in the later 90's with Cheryl, Eric, and in the to the 2000's with Eric, Scott and Steph, Linde, Lisa, Butch, Bev and Chad, Wanda and Michael and the very last time was in 2005 with Eric and Paula, that was my personal favorite since we were able to hug, get a photo and and an autograph. I believe the man just turned 59 in Aug and he doesn't look too bad! I added his music to my blog, because well, that's just who I am. I like lots of other music as well and from time to time I'll add some, so I apologize if you don't enjoy Rick's music, just push the pause button or turn off your speakers when you check out the blog...or maybe, just maybe just because you love me and I love you, you'll listen to him for a few moments.
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Sunday, September 7, 2008

Eric's Award

Hi, I posted this on my email, but thought we should also have it on the blog; just click on the links below to see the pictures and articles about the award Eric won on Thursday.

On a personal note I just wanted to say how fun it was to hear Eric talk about the surprise of receiving this award and how unexpected it was. It was great for me to read the articles and see the pictures, I can only imagine what it was like. I am proud of Eric and am thankful that he is doing something that he loves so much and makes a difference in the lives of so many. It's always a fun thing when we are somewhere and a former student spots him, they usually call out, "Mr. Kern!" then come up and either give him a high five or hug. I see that admiration in their eyes and the joy in his. I remember feeling the same way about most of my teachers, what a noble profession. Teachers take care of each other as well and we have been the recipient of their generosity many times, but especially this past year when Neal was born. Teachers from Rees as well as collegues he worked with in Las Vegas at Ober Elementary sent us money and helped us in many ways that made that time easier for us. As the spouse of a teacher, I wish they made more money, but money isn't everything and in the long run I think that learning to take care of each other is a blessing that far outweighs the $$ we live without. So way to go Mr. Kern!!! WHOOOOOOOHOOOOO from me, you are a real STAR!,5143,700256372,00.html

Thursday, September 4, 2008

This was a video I took with our new digital camera, it's of Neal in this little seat that was given to us and I think it's pretty cute. Gives you an idea of his personality.